Engaging employees to manage and take charge of their personal career development is fundamental to improving performance through people.
Today’s challenge
The challenge for today’s flatter, leaner, non-hierarchical organisations, where career development paths are harder to identify, is to ensure that valued employees are fully integrated with and aligned to the organisation.
We provide a range of career management programmes, workshops, tools and resources that help employees focus and align their skills and energies to the benefit of themselves and their organisations.
Programmes are specifically tailored to meet the needs of an individual, department or organisation and to ensure fit with existing in-house strategies.Support is typically geared to helping key employees understand, explore and manage their career options, paths and objectives within the realities of the organisations needs and objectives. Typically, programmes focus on:
- Equipping individuals with the tools and techniques they need to achieve their goals.
- Helping individuals and groups find optimal fit between their own and their organisations perspectives.
- Developing individual through to managing a department through change.
- Accurately fitting competences and motivators to roles and wider organisational requirements.
- Engaging people to actively seek out change and challenge – career management to help them define the direction the want to take.
The benefits:
Skilfully applied career management can bring valued benefits to any progressive organisation. Typically these can include more effective application of valuable knowledge, skills and experience, enhanced employee morale, reductions in staff turnover and improvements in productivity.